Thursday, February 01, 2007

In the sweet by and by...

I lost someone on 31 Dec 2006. Although I know she has gone 'to a better place where there are no tears or pain', I am still processing my grief.

At Keep Fit Class I 'see' you at your regular position...
I am reminded of your lip-sticked smile...
I recall the times we shared - all girls' nite-out, bridal showers (the intimate things we chatted about)...

The pot-lucks (or should I say, pot-bless as you term it) & hospitality at your home - roast duck with bitter gourd, roast chic, macaroni, fried spaghetti, mee siam... (Thanks for the lodeh rempah which I still have not used)

MMT makan & meetings ...
Prayer meetings with the Intercessors...
Sharing with you in ministry - Children (SS at the old premises), Management Team, MMT, Prayer, at one time the Ladies' Meeting...

Thank you, Luan, for your fellowship - I remember your visit on the day I was admitted to UH (end 2004)...
the time I spent in your (old) home in SS4D when I was also hit by the 'German "misiles" (measles)'...
of course not forgetting your wedding (first time I did the decor impromptu!!)...
and the numerous chats, things we did together at church-related events (camps, retreats, Bible study group, BTCP, etc)...

Indeed you had an infectious zest for life, an inspiring spiritual walk with the Lord and an exemplary commitment to good discipline.

I couldn't imagine life without you... and now... I still think very much of you...

I recall the last time I saw you (the night of Thu 28 Dec) when the Intercessors went to pray (& I couldn't pray - I wasn't sure whether I should pray for your healing or your going any more...)
I said, Thank you, Luan, for your love and fellowship... You are a sister endowed with much wisdom and discernment... & I have been impacted by your life.

As I wrote in your Updates you have displayed an exemplary faith and faithfulness. How appropriately we sang that song, Approved in every way at your Funeral Service.
Praise the Lord for all the services - they attested to God's greatness, faithfulness and your life of excellence! Well, when we meet again...we can exchange notes!

Till then... let us continue to run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith... Heb 12: 1-2

18 Jan 2007

A Collection Of Eulogies

Aunty Luan was a remarkable lady. It was how she lived, everyday, which made her so remarkable. Aunty Luan was generous and her thoughtfulness was beyond words. This generosity and thoughtfulness was often seen and attested to by none other than her family, growth group members, Chris’ and her marriage counselees, ministry leaders and members of BUC themselves.

This was how she viewed her home: a place where not only knowledge could be taught, but a place where love could be sown as well, through her hospitality. We shared many meals and meetings in her home.

Aunty Luan, you see, did her good deeds in stealth. She never advertised the fact that she helped so many people in so many different ways. She never talked about her numerous acts of kindness. Yet I believe that almost everyone here today has been on the receiving end of that kindness.

For Aunty Luan, being a wife was not at all a role but a mission. On the rare and precious moments that she has invited me for a cup of tea or meal, Aunty Luan would often recount to me how important respect in a marriage is. This was a cause she sincerely believed in and untiringly fought for.

And in the world the she moved in, in the simple daily tasks that she did everyday as a church member, Aunty Luan made sure that no member, no ministry leader, went uncared for nor unloved.

Aunty Luan believed that sometimes all it takes is a simple greeting that she conveys to her fellow members despite her busy schedule. A moment’s greeting goes a long way for the other person.

Aunty Luan definitely had a big heart. And she made sure that everyone got a chance to share it with her.

Aunty Luan will surely be missed by her growth group members, her fellow ministry leaders, her marriage counselees and most of all, by her family. What consoles us now is the knowledge that she is back in her Heavenly Father’s embrace, to enjoy the same love she so generously gave and showed to the world through her life.

Her memory lives on in our memories and hearts.

By Wan Yi

Aunty Luan says...
What would Aunty Luan say to us at the Memorial Service?
1. Keep on Serving
2. Honour my going
(From Brother Soo-Inn's message on 31 December 2006)
Thank you, Aunty Luan. We shall meet on that beautiful shore.

There's a land that is fairer than day,
And by faith we can see it afar;
For the Father waits over the way,
To prepare us a dwelling place there.

In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;
In the sweet by and by,
We shall meet on that beautiful shore;

We shall sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blest,
And our spirits shall sorrow no more,
Not a sigh for the blessings of rest.

To our bountiful Father above,
We will offer a tribute of praise,
For the glorious gift of His love,
And the blessings that hallow our days.

Aunty Luan

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Aunty Luan was called to the Lord on the 31st of December 2006, after celebrating her daughter's birthday (Hui En) one day before.

Aunty Luan was one of my Sunday School teachers in the old premises. I remember very well how I became such good friends with Hui En, Ming Han, etc.
When I first joined the BUC sunday school, I didn't know anyone, so I had no friends :( yes, I was once lonely. So one lesson, Aunty Luan asked me quietly, before our Sunday School class whether I have made any friends in our Sunday School Class. I replied with a no (I was the youngest in the class). So when everyone was settled, she introduced me and told the class to be friends with me. Ever since then, I have made very close friends in BUC, all whom I treasure very much. I think that if it weren't for Aunty Luan, I wouldn't have made such wonderful friends.

Everytime we had youth in the Leong's house and I see Aunty Luan, she would always wear a BIG smile and ask me how I am or how my family is doing.

And everytime I had a piano exam, Aunty Luan would always assure me that I would pass. And after, she would always ask me how it went.
And how can I forget the numerous times Aunty Luan told me to pull up my trousers? Haha. And always telling me to act like a lady, "A lady must never do this, a lady must be like this.."

During the memorial service, there was a phrase that really caught my attention.
"Aunty Luan would tell us not to focus on her, but on God." and "Stay faithful"
I really admire Aunty Luan's relationship with the Lord. She always wants to be closer to the Lord. Indeed, she is a faithful servant of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are so many things that I could say about Aunty Luan but I need to stop now. I must study as my IGCSE mocks are starting this coming Monday.

Aunty Luan, we will meet on that beautiful shore...

Michelle Wong (youth)

A Tribute to my Spiritual Mentor

My Spiritual Mentor Madam Lim Luan Keow aka Aunty Luan was called home to the Lord at 8:30 am on Sunday, 31 December 2006. It was a sad day for us all at Bandar Utama Chapel. Luan was my Spiritual Mentor, Prayer Partner, Discipleship Group Leader, Marriage Counsellor and a good friend. During the first year of her mentoring, she did bible study with me almost every week at my house. I would always make a cup of tea for her. I still remember how she liked her tea to be prepared – a bag of tea with a teaspoonful of condensed milk. What she has impacted me most during the bible study is reminding me to put my identity in Christ as the first priority. She has taught me to say that “I’m a Christian who is a lecturer”. Luan did not just guide me in my spiritual growth, but she has also ministered to my physical needs:
She cooked for me when I had miscarriage. I will always miss her cooking.

She took my mum and me for marketing at Section 17. She introduced me to her favourite chicken and vegetables stalls.

Last December 2005, she accompanied me to the hospital for my checkup after the birth of my son.

She has even given me a parental advice during her illness – “Always speak positive words to Jordan.”

I have many fond memories of Luan. We were in the same mission trip to China in 2004. She was an excellent team leader, constantly keeping the team in the right focus. She taught us to be FAT – Flexible, Available and Teachable. I will miss the weekly prayer meeting at her home. We have always had a good time of sharing and praying for one another and our respective ministries. To me, Luan was a woman of wisdom, understanding and discernment. She has always been a royal priesthood. As what brother Soo-Inn said, I can imagine her serving actively in Heaven now. All her words of advice are so precious to me that I will forever cherish them in my heart. Because of this, she will always be my Spiritual Mentor. I miss you, Luan.

Christine Lee

Tribute to Luan

Life was simple
Yet you were generous.

A committed wife
Devoted mother.

Faithful to God
Till the end.

You leave us too soon
Our loss, our pain.

For you, no more pain
Safe in the arms of Jesus.

Thank you for your life and love.

Anthony Yeo & Soo Lan