Tuesday, August 22, 2006

22 Aug Chemo Not Effective

Yesterday, Luan went for her blood test and today, we saw Dr. Ang. Upon examining Luan, Doc is very clear that the chemo is not working as the tumor in the pelvic region is still growing. This is in spite of the fact that he had ordered 4 potent drugs for the second chemo, causing her haemoglobin to drop to 8.6 (from 10.2 after the first chemo). The chemo is not doing any good but more harm to Luan and so Doc has decided to call off the third chemo scheduled to start today.

Doc is advising a thoracic/abdominal/pelvic CT scan tomorrow morning. Then we see him again in the afternoon to discuss the results of the CT scan and any other possible palliative course of action. Doc is interested to know whether the chemo has been effective on the tumour in the left lung, even though it has not been on the growing pelvic/abdominal tumour.

Both of us left the clinic, feeling the Lord's peace and knowing He is still in sovereign control with His awesome healing grace and power. God is our Healer and He chooses the means where healing might come.

The past several months, we have seen God at work in various ways. The prayers and cries of many around the world have opened a floodgate of practical support, finance and words of encouragement. We are in no doubt that our Heavenly Father has heard these cries or else where do these help come from. Our dear Lord has provided one of the best medical oncologists in Singapore to attend to Luan; accompanied by warm practical support from close relatives and friends; minimal side effects and no major infections; high white blood cell count; liver and kidney still functioning ok; strengthening of our inner spirit and so on.

What remains now is the total demise of the sarcoma cancer cells in Luan's body. Please do pray also for the speedy healing of an urinary tract infection that Luan has just contracted. Doc has prescribed antibiotics for her today.


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